The Shin Dorn Co is established in Guangzhou in 1993, we are a factroy of manufacturing in various aluminum tube, such as 8m/m, 9m/m, 10m/m, 11.5m/m, 12.5m/m, 13.5m/m, 16m/m, 19m/m, 22m/m, 25m/m, 30m/m, 32m/m, 35m/m, 40m/m, 50m/m, we have 10 machines to product aluminum tube, offer 1-4 color printing on the tube by 2 automatic machines , special technology to preventing the lost from aluminum tube by 4 machines, our qulaity is very well, and our some glue sell into U.S.A. and Japin, if you are in the range ...